Saturday, December 5, 2009


The Greek word in Acts 17:11 is anakrino meaning to examine, etc. Manthano is the Greek word for study. The languages (Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek) chosen by God to convey His meaning to all men in all the world through all the ages is so absolutely specific it's absolutely beautiful and perfect (as only God can do).

Acts 17:11 has always fascinated me. I used to sort of chuckle to myself thinking these people in this little town were checking the Scriptures to see if Paul was speaking truth. Now, of course, I realize they didn't have the Bible before them carefully divided into books, chapters, and verses, and they certainly did not know that the person, Paul, would be the person to write a large part of the New Testament and actually lay down the theology showing the completed work of Christ which started in Genesis and would include the entire population on the planet.

My love for the scripture and the God who gave it to us is something I want to share. Often when I used to speak of the Bible, I referred to it as dappled. If it was to shed light on the truth, it only seemed to drop little bits of truth here and there. After being taught to study the Bible using an inductive process, the dappling slowly cleared away leaving only crystal clear, beautiful light.

Perfect understanding will be given to us when we are present with God. Until then, I encourage everyone who really wants to understand this beautiful BOOK and its awesome AUTHOR to search out a way to learn the inductive study method.

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